Circular Design 

We believe that offering more sustainable products is a top priority. Our circular design services provide clear and transparent information about the source of plastics in products. We collaborate with our plastic recycling consultants to create closed-loop recycling pathways and achieve a sustainable circular economy for plastics through continuous reuse and recycling.


① Product Design|產品設計

Make the product easy to disassemble, repair, upgrade, remanufacture, and recycle through modular design, with the goal of meeting user needs and conserving energy and resources throughout the product lifecycle.


② Material Selection|材料選擇

Use safe and non-toxic materials while reducing material usage and simplifying composition.

  • Durable products: Choose durable, multi-cycle, and recyclable materials. 

  • Sustainable products: Prioritize the use of renewable and locally sourced materials.


  • 耐久性產品:選擇耐久、可多次循環、回收材料

  • 流動性產品:優先使用可再生、在地材料

③ Process Optimisation|製程優化

Zero waste, zero emissions, and zero accidents are the goals. The efficiency of water, energy, and resource usage required at each stage of the production process is maximised. Production equipment and chemicals adopt a service-oriented business model.


④ Manufacturing Waste Utilisation|副產品資源化

Defective products, byproducts, scraps, waste, and surplus materials from manufacturing processes are put into a recycling process or sold directly as byproducts. This recycling process can involve intra-enterprise recycling, intra-industry recycling, or cross-industry recycling.


⑤ Repair and Reuse|維修再使用

Maintenance is through troubleshooting or replacing components to restore the original function of the product. Reuse maintains the product in its original form and function, with it being used again by different users.


⑥ Collection|蒐集回收

After the product's usage cycle ends, it is properly classified according to the product material. Collection is the process of making sure the sorted products reach the correct collection and processing channels.


⑦ Recycle|再利用

After a series of processing procedures, products that have reached the end of their use can be used as secondary materials for the same or different products.


Circular Design

What can we do for you?

MultiLife Plastic Materials

Plastic recycling and reprocessing services are dedicated to turning recycled plastics into reprocessed pellets that can be used again in another product cycle. We provide you with a consultation on high-quality regrinds that are tailored for the material properties needed for the next production cycle, all while injecting environmental and sustainable development goals into your business. This not only brings positive impacts to your company but also maximises the environmental value of the plastics.

我們為企業提供專業的塑膠循環再生計畫,對於製造廠區內消費前的工業塑膠產品,我們能協助您最大程度地回收及再利用塑膠資源,實現環保和可持續的目標。 塑膠回收再造粒服務致力於將回收的塑膠製成符合下一輪產品需求的再造粒。為您提供高品質、符合再造塑料的物性需求,同時也為您的企業注入環保及可持續發展的目標,不僅可為企業帶來積極的影響,也能將塑膠回收再利用的環保價值發揮到極致。

Plastic Lifecycle Solutions

In our post-consumer plastic product service, we consider the entire landscape of a plastic product's lifecycle and beyond, from source materials to the development of second-round product reprocessing plans for our customers, ensuring an effective utilisation and extension of the raw materials’ lifespan.
